Quick view Amercoat Top Coat, Alkyd, 770 sq-ft/gal, 40 to 100 deg F, 3.5 lb/gal VOC, 5 gal Container, Can, Liquid, Green , Gloss Log in for pricing
Quick view Amercoat Primer, Heavy Duty, 5 gal Container, Gray , Flat, 9.7 m2, -18 to 50 deg C Log in for pricing
Quick view Amercoat Top Coat, High Gloss, 3.4 lb/gal VOC, Characteristic, 1 gal Container, Liquid, Yellow , 21 mm2/s Log in for pricing
Quick view Amercoat Top Coat, Alkyd, 770 sq-ft/gal, 40 to 100 deg F, 3.5 lb/gal VOC, 1 gal Container, Can, Liquid, Green , Gloss Log in for pricing
Quick view Amercoat Epoxy Coating, High Solid, Liquid, >0.21 cm2/s, 4.5 hr Curing, 40 to 122 deg F, 1.5 lb/gal VOC, Characteristic Log in for pricing
Quick view Amercoat Epoxy Coating, High Solid, Liquid, Safety Orange , >0.21 cm2/s, 4.5 hr Curing, 40 to 122 deg F, 1.5 lb/gal VOC, Characteristic Log in for pricing
Quick view Top Coat, Alkyd, 770 sq-ft/gal, 40 to 100 deg F, 3.5 lb/gal VOC, 5 gal Container, Can, Liquid, Green , Gloss Amercoat 5450 is a gloss alkyd topcoat used for weathering, mild industrial and marine services. Color and gloss retention during continuous weathering exposure is typical of high quality gloss alkyds. Amercoat 5450 will not resist severe chemical,... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Primer, Heavy Duty, 5 gal Container, Gray , Flat, 9.7 m2, -18 to 50 deg C Dimetcote 9 is a self-curing, solvent based inorganic zinc coating used as a heavy duty primer with recommended topcoats or as a single coat protective coating in recommended services. To obtain the maximum performance for which Dimetcote 9 is... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Protective Coating, 5 gal Container, Blue Color Amercoat's Amershield is an aliphatic polyurethane coating that has a unique, high-solids, high-build, multifunctional coating. It is VOC-compliant and forms a high-gloss, self-priming tough, yet flexible coating that has excellent gloss retention. It... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Top Coat, High Gloss, 3.4 lb/gal VOC, Characteristic, 1 gal Container, Liquid, Yellow , 21 mm2/s Amercoat's #5450 is a high-gloss, high-performance alkyd topcoat that provides good weathering, drying and application properties. It is designed to protect and enhance the appearance of such surfaces as marine exteriors, power plants, industrial... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Top Coat, Alkyd, 770 sq-ft/gal, 40 to 100 deg F, 3.5 lb/gal VOC, 1 gal Container, Can, Liquid, Green , Gloss Amercoat 5450 is a gloss alkyd topcoat used for weathering, mild industrial and marine services. Color and gloss retention during continuous weathering exposure is typical of high quality gloss alkyds. Amercoat 5450 will not resist severe chemical,... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Easy Spray Dad’s Easy Spray is the fastest-acting and easiest-to-use paint, stain and varnish remover that strips all finishes from wood, metal, masonry, glass and more. It’s been an industry favorite for over 25 years, thanks to a meticulously researched formula... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Aliphatic Polyurethane Topcoat, Orange Color Amercoat's amershield is an aliphatic polyurethane coating that has a unique, high-solids, high-build, multifunctional coating. It is VOC-compliant and forms a high-gloss, self-priming tough, yet flexible coating that has excellent gloss retention. It... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Epoxy Coating, High Solid, Liquid, >0.21 cm2/s, 4.5 hr Curing, 40 to 122 deg F, 1.5 lb/gal VOC, Characteristic Amercoat's #400 is a high-solids epoxy coating that is VOC-compliant and self-priming and can cure through a wide range of temperatures. Its low solvent level reduces the chances for film pinholing and solvent entrapment at the substrate-coating... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Epoxy Coating, High Solid, Liquid, Safety Orange , >0.21 cm2/s, 4.5 hr Curing, 40 to 122 deg F, 1.5 lb/gal VOC, Characteristic Amercoat's #400 is a high-solids epoxy coating that is VOC-compliant and self-priming and can cure through a wide range of temperatures. Its low solvent level reduces the chances for film pinholing and solvent entrapment at the substrate-coating... Log in for pricing Compare