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Industrial Supply, Professional Grade Tools Parts and Services

Brass Shims

Brass shims is a thin and often tapered or wedged piece of brass material, used to fill small gaps or spaces between objects. Shims are typically used in order to support, adjust for better fit, or provide a level surface. Shims may also be used as spacers to fill gaps between parts subject to wear.
  • Shim Stock Roll, Plain, Brass, 6 in Wd, 100 in Lg

    Shim Stock Roll, Plain, Brass, 6 in Wd, 100 in Lg

    Brass Shim is made from a half hard, cold rolled, 260 alloy brass. Precision Brand® is the only manufacturer to offer Branded® shim. It has everything the user needs to know clearly marked right on the shim material type, material thickness, and lot #...

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